Confessions of a ‘Star Wars’ Collector: Giving in to My Inner Kid

Promotional photo of Hasbro’s Star Wars The Black Series’ The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter. Photo Credit and (C) 2020 Hasbro, Inc. and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)

Well, Dear Reader, I did it. I gave in to the inner teenager that resides inside this very middle-aged screenwriter/blogger/commentator and film reviewer and just did it.

I just went to Amazon and ordered one of the priciest Star Wars collectibles I’ve ever bought: Hasbro’s new Star Wars The Black Series Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter vehicle from this year’s Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary collection.

Promotional photo of Hasbro’s Star Wars The Black Series’ The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter. Photo Credit and (C) 2020 Hasbro, Inc. and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)

I wasn’t planning on getting this version of the Rebel Alliance’s T-47 Snowspeeder, which is a modified version of Incom’s T-47 airspeeder that has been adapted for use in cold climates such as those on the remote ice world of Hoth. After all, I still have my original Kenner Rebel Armored Snowspeeder (for 3.75-inch scale figures); it’s a bit old-looking but it’s one of the few Kenner vehicles that survived two hurricane strikes and a score of unforeseen accidents that whittled my collection to a fraction of what it once was.

Another Star Wars fan’s review of the Star Wars The Black Series Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter.

I have a plethora of reasons why I shouldn’t buy this new Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter. I really do.

  • It’s just one more Star Wars collectible to find a place for in a house that’s not entirely mine
  • It’s not exactly cheap. With the addition of a Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot) figure (sold separately), this “giving in to temptation” is going to cost me $159.04, including state and local sales taxes
  • It’s not a life-or-death essential item, unlike, say, a couple of bags of groceries
Promotional photo of Hasbro’s Star Wars The Black Series’ The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter. Photo Credit and (C) 2020 Hasbro, Inc. and Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL)

But I’ve been collecting Star Wars action figures, vehicles, and other collectibles since I was 15. It’s hard to not buy something as cool as this new version of the Snowspeeder, which is upsized for the 6-inch action figures (and is thus bigger and perhaps even more detailed than my original Rebel Armored Snowspeeder from four decades ago.

Remastered version of a 1980 TV commercial for the original Rebel Armored Snowspeeder.

So, yes, I did indeed succumb to temptation. I’ve passed up on buying many cool action figures and vehicles, mainly because I am middle-aged and have many adult responsibilities now, such as paying a certain share of the house’s bills. Plus, as I’ve said many times in my reviews of Star Wars The Black Series figures, it’s not like I have unlimited display or even storage space here.

I ordered my Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter and the appropriate Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot) action figure just under an hour ago. Amazon has confirmed my order, and my stuff will get here on Wednesday.

I can’t wait! I’m so excited. In this weird and troubling year of the novel COVID-19 pandemic and a Presidential election that may forever shape the destiny of the United States (and by extension, the world), it’s small joys like this that keep me relatively sane and content.


2 responses to “Confessions of a ‘Star Wars’ Collector: Giving in to My Inner Kid”

  1. Good for you! Sometimes you just have to do something to make you happy. Especially now in this weird world. Star Wars has kept me sane (primarily as something outside the “real” world that I can focus on, and something that makes me feel like a kid again). Enjoy your cool snowspeeder!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for the kind comment!

    I, too, think that Star Wars is keeping me sane during the pandemic. I am trying to not go overboard with purchases of figures, books, soundtracks (yes, I’ve been getting the Walt Disney Records remasters of the first six soundtracks, even though I still have my CDs from the 1990s and 2000s). I’ve watched the entire Skywalker Saga several times over on “regular” Blu-ray, and as soon as the TV in the master bedroom is “fully operational,” I’ll watch all 11 films on 4K UHD Blu-ray.

    Amazon will probably ship my Star Wars The Black Series Snowspeeder with Dak Ralter tomorrow, as it is scheduled to arrive on Wednesday, along with Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot). Ironically, that particular variant of Luke was one of the many figures I have said “Nice figure, but where am I going to put him?” before passing on him. But getting a snowspeeder with Dak and not getting Luke in Snowspeeder Pilot gear just seemed wrong,

    What I will get later today (it’s just past nine in the morning as I type this) is the Star Wars The Black Series figure of Rebel Soldier (Hoth). I ordered him a while back, thinking that he would be one of the few 40th Anniversary figures I’d buy this year.

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