My new Lenovo IdeaCentre
My new Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO 3 “all-in-one” PC. My “wallpaper” is a screenshot from “Cold Waters.’ (Photo by the author)

Well, Dear Reader, a week after I purchased a Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO 3 AMD All-in-One personal computer to replace a desktop computer that died on Saturday, April 2, I am happy to report that I am back at my desk in my room. The Caregiver removed the now-defunct Lenovo C506 All-in-One that I brought to Lithia from my former house in Miami In 2016 from my desk, cleaned my room up a bit, and helped me set up the new IdeaCentre.

My Ikea shelves.

As of 8 PM Eastern last night, the new PC was up and running; I activated some of my most-used apps and accounts, including Microsoft 360 and Steam, but due to the lateness of the hour – it was around 8 PM when I returned to my desk to try the new Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO 3 AMD All-in-One for the first time – I had to wait till this morning to download other apps, including Amazon Music and Amazon Prime Video.

Yes. My computer was in there until Sunday, April 10, 2022. (Photo by the author)

I have bought many computers over the past 29 years, and every time I get a new computer – whether it’s by choice or necessity – I always need a few days to get used to using the new “toy.” Whether it is the “finger feel” of a new keyboard or figuring out where certain things are on the new computer, such as the location of the headphone jack or on which side of the all-in-one’s body lies the DVD-ROM drive, I need time to adjust.

For instance, the keyboard for the Lenovo C506 had function buttons specifically designed to work with the DVD drive (the D: drive, as it were). That keyboard was a tad longer than the one I’m using now, and it had an EJECT button that opened the DVD drive. The keyboard for the Lenovo IdeaCentre has no such button; to open the D drive you need to know where the press-and-it-opens button is on the PC’s body – it’s on the left side of the machine, instead of on the right per my previous all-in-one’s layout.

A promotional photo of the Lenovo C506 PC I used to have until recently. (C) 2014 Lenovo via Amazon

If you are like me and don’t like to open the drive manually, the only way to issue an “Eject Disc/Open Drive” command is through the Lenovo Power DVD app. On the Lenovo C506, there was a shortcut for the app on my desktop screen; here, there is no such shortcut, so I must remember to look in the Windows 11 menu. I will get used to these changes – I always have – but the first few days of using a new computer are a bit disorienting, to say the least.

This is especially true of the Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO 3 since neither the keyboard nor the mouse is wired. Luckily, I have used wireless mice since 2009, when I presciently bought my first laptop back in Miami. This is the first time that I’ve used a wireless keyboard; it’s going well, although I keep on hitting the CAPS LOCK key accidentally and I am treated to a visual prompt on my screen every time that happens. (On my previous computer I got annoying audio prompts every time I hit that key by mistake. Which is more annoying? Right now, I would say it’s a tie, although I suppose the video prompt is more bearable than the irritating “beep” I heard every time I hit CAPS LOCK instead of the SHIFT key.

I still need to figure out if I can access my Write Bros. Movie Magic Screenwriter software from this PC; I installed it via downloads on my two Lenovo laptops, so it’s not like I don’t have it at all. I hope that all I need to do is download a copy from my registered account and install it on this PC. I already spent over $700 on the Lenovo IdeaCentre AIO 3; I don’t want to add more debt on my credit card than I have already. If I can’t access my Write Brothers account from here, I’ll have to work on scripts using the laptops. I hate that, but I hate stressing over bills even more.

Well, Dear Reader, that’s all the news I have for you today. I must wrap this post up, take a shower, change into clean clothes, and get on with the rest of my Monday. Until next time, stay safe, stay healthy, and I’ll catch you on the sunny side of things.  


3 responses to “Musings & Thoughts for Monday, April 11, 2022, or: Meet the New PC…Not Quite the Same as the Old PC”

  1. I love the Simpsons!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] and reading a few random news articles. Then I went about the more serious business of writing yesterday’s blog post, which took me a bit longer than usual because this is a new computer and I’m still getting used […]
